Owner/Leader Coaching

Coaching CEO’s/President’s for Breakthrough Success

Every business has unlimited potential – We roll up our sleeves and work shoulder to shoulder with business leaders to help them realize their business’s full potential and generate ever-increasing levels of success.

Breakthrough coaching is not for the faint of heart. It is only for business leaders who know they need to up their game as a leader to take their business to the next level, are willing to take a hard, honest look at themselves, and are committed to making the changes necessary to achieve their goals.  

Step 1.Leaders are guided through a process to develop a personal Leadership Agenda by evaluating the 4 core responsibilities of leading and determining what they need to do and what it will take for them to take their leadership to the next level in order to get their business to the next level.


Leadership Agenda Questions that Get Answered in Step 1:

  • Better Self: To evolve as a leader to take business to next level.

“ What would make me a more effective leader?”

  • Better Today: To manage the organization to achieve execution excellence.

“What would take the organization to the next level of performance?”

  • Better Organization: To take care of talent so they thrive.

“What can I do to bring out the best in all the people in my organization?”

  • Better Future: To chart a path forward.

“What do I need to do to ensure the position is well-positioned for a strong future?

Step 2.  Leadership Breakthrough Action Plan

Good intentions don’t create breakthrough results – consistent action does!

Since most humans don’t change habits easily, it is easy to succumb to the gravitational pull of day to day demands. The action plan that sets goals and sets up a structure for accountability is imperative if a leader is going to be the driving force for progress. The action plan is intended to:

 Step 3.  On-Going Accountability Partnership

P4 coaches maintain regular ongoing communication throughout the engagement to maintain focus, provide expertise, challenge assumptions, offer suggestions, and act as a thinking partner.

If you are interested in exploring breakthrough coaching ….



What are people saying about us?

“Butch operates in a methodologi that allows for deep introspective thought while inviting the imagination to seek solutions not previously considered. He tirelessly invests himself in adding value as a partner who is equally invested in a positive outcome. His approach is systematic, inquisitive, inspirational, and steeped in foundational principals that pave the way for revenue growth as a bi-product of leading with strength and character.”

– Trina Miller SVP Sales & Marketing Orlando, FL

“Butch, your mentorship has been one of the biggest factors helping me achieve things i never thought possible ”

– Robert Shepard VP Sales & Marketing Nashville, TN

“The excerpt from my book Universal Talk Laws, expresses my deep respect for Butch, The Life Changer, Gunter. This man taught me so much in the time that he has been in my world. His college football background and tremendous range of knowledge in several areas helped his attention to detail and methods of instilling desire to the masses.”

– Kinja Dixon Re-Creation Strategist Brooklyn, NY

“To be frank with you, I dont know if I would have had the confidence to step out on my own as an agency owner if it weren’t for many of the coaching sessions of which I still draw upon today. Thanks again for being an example of an exceptional leader. There are many things that can be thought, developing leaders is gift.”

– Mark Crump State Farm Owner/Agent Hampton, VA

“Butch is a dynamic leader with a demonstrated record of success in exceeding operational and financial goals. He excels at developing a culture of purpose and engagement at all levels and most importantly, has a history of developing not just talent, but also a sustainable process that delivers consistent YOY growth for companies.”

– Brian Saunders CEO KUDAGRA Orlando, FL