P4 Breakthrough

P4 Breakthrough Executive Extreme Teams

Purpose, Perspective, Persistence & Performance


Our Mission is to strengthen communities and local economies by supporting, helping, and challenging leaders of small to mid-size businesses grow and thrive.


Apply the concepts of achieving mastery level performance to growing a business. being a business leader.


Provide a forum where leaders get it straight from other business leaders; vet issues, get advice, be challenged, supported, accountable – taking their leadership and organizations to next level of performance.

Provide a structure for business leaders to collectively discover solutions and approaches for growing and sustaining their business in the ever more complex and challenging business environment.

Provide a forum for leaders of mid-size businesses to challenge, learn, and support one another, thriving as leaders, and achieve higher levels of success.


  • Growth Engine Indicator Diagnostic – Find out if your business’s growth engine is strong enough to accomplish your growth goals. A comprehensive dashboard indicates where you are strong and you have gaps.
  • Accountability Partners – A group of peers who create a structure of support and accountability for you to achieve your goals and objectives. It’s a business network committed to supporting members of the group.
  • Board of Advisors – Sounding board of peers that provides unfiltered insight, perspective, exposure to new ideas.
  • Access to others “success formulas”– What are other leaders doing that’s working.
  • Exposure to Best Growth Concepts – A platform for sharing books, ideas, tools designed to accelerate growth.
  • Organizational Review – Core, Legacy, Emerging. Understand what is core too your business, what needs to be preserved and protected, Emerging -what challenges, changes, pressures are emerging that you have to adjust business to; everything else is Legacy (resource, time and money, ways of doing things.
  • Develop Leadership Agenda – Everyone does homework; where are you now, where do you want to be, what will you need to do to get there over next 90 days.
  • Leadership Style Assessment (TDB) Strengths, Weaknesses, Limiting Beliefs, Reveals Blind spots, provide new insights. Most of the time, they have no idea what they should be doing or what doing that sabotages progress.
  • Growth Leader Assessment –  What are the attributes of a Growth Leader (Article on Attributes of a Growth Leader) Are you doing what you need to be doing to grow your business profitability and sustainably.


  • Meet 10 times a year (no meetings July and December).
  • Guest experts will present 5 times a year, every other meeting.
  • Meetings with experts are a full day (5); member only meetings are half-day (5) – Group digs into the topic, the 2nd half of the day dealing with individual issues.
  • Meeting location circulates among forum members offices.  
  • Every forum member gets 24 hours of individual coaching per year; a minimum of 1 hr. monthly.
  • A “Business Growth Diagnostic” and a “Comprehensive Leadership Assessment” is conducted for each member at the start of their first year.  The GEI is done at the beginning of every year.
  • Forum members have unlimited access to P4’s content to utilize with their leadership teams: articles, tools, frameworks, research, assessments, book abstracts, video’s, etc.
  • Ten months of meetings, Content Library, Speakers, Podcasts with Breakthrough Growth Leaders, One-on-One Executive Coaching, Growth Diagnostics/Dashboards, Peer Coaching.


  • You will understand yourself as a leader better than ever before.
  • You will be a more informed as leader.
  • You will be challenged and supported to take your leadership to the next level.
  • You will be exposed to new thoughts, ideas and approaches as to how to grow and lead your business.


What are people saying about us?

“Butch operates in a methodologi that allows for deep introspective thought while inviting the imagination to seek solutions not previously considered. He tirelessly invests himself in adding value as a partner who is equally invested in a positive outcome. His approach is systematic, inquisitive, inspirational, and steeped in foundational principals that pave the way for revenue growth as a bi-product of leading with strength and character.”

– Trina Miller SVP Sales & Marketing Orlando, FL

“Butch, your mentorship has been one of the biggest factors helping me achieve things i never thought possible ”

– Robert Shepard VP Sales & Marketing Nashville, TN

“The excerpt from my book Universal Talk Laws, expresses my deep respect for Butch, The Life Changer, Gunter. This man taught me so much in the time that he has been in my world. His college football background and tremendous range of knowledge in several areas helped his attention to detail and methods of instilling desire to the masses.”

– Kinja Dixon Re-Creation Strategist Brooklyn, NY

“To be frank with you, I dont know if I would have had the confidence to step out on my own as an agency owner if it weren’t for many of the coaching sessions of which I still draw upon today. Thanks again for being an example of an exceptional leader. There are many things that can be thought, developing leaders is gift.”

– Mark Crump State Farm Owner/Agent Hampton, VA

“Butch is a dynamic leader with a demonstrated record of success in exceeding operational and financial goals. He excels at developing a culture of purpose and engagement at all levels and most importantly, has a history of developing not just talent, but also a sustainable process that delivers consistent YOY growth for companies.”

– Brian Saunders CEO KUDAGRA Orlando, FL