The Challenge Imagine, you are struggling to build a cohesive team or you are part of a team lacking camaraderie. If you find yourself in one of these situations as a leader, what do you do to reverse the course and build a cohesive team? Here are 5 unique leadership principles you need to...Read More
If I asked you right now to name the most important and impactful person/mentor in your life I bet you could answer that question rather quickly. Why, because you have probably been asked or you have thought about that question before. Maybe many times before. On the other...Read More
Passionate Employee A couple of weeks ago I received a short email from a Delta employee that is representative, on so many levels, of the commitment their employees have toward their company and its customers. Delta is a great example of how a strong culture fueled by great people...Read More
First Impressions Even though this event occurred pre COVID-19, I think it’s relevance couldn’t be more timely. I sat waiting to have my initial meeting with Jerry, the owner of the business, and I was observing his employees. Their body language and expressions...Read More
The Unexpected The evening was uneventful; I just needed a charger for my laptop (ouch, a $100 forgetful mistake). I walked into the Barton Creek Apple Store, grabbed the charger and ended up face-to-face with Tony for payment. Little did I know, I was about to receive a powerful lesson...Read More
Taking Time To Connect Is A Choice One of life’s special and unexpected moments can occur after taking time to connect with someone and that connection results in a big world instantly becoming small. That’s what happened to me recently. A few months ago, on my return flight...Read More
It’s hard not to be acutely aware of the ravages of COVID-19. Every day, whether through consuming media or general conversations with friends and colleagues, we are being inundated with information tied to the Coronavirus. We have become as aware of coronavirus Italia and China as we are...Read More
[rt_reading_time label=”Reading Time:” postfix=”minutes”] Have you ever wondered why some people have a particular attitude, way of thinking, or a different way of responding to something that many accept as truth? Where you see trouble, they see opportunity. Where you see sadness, they see...Read More
This past Saturday on a return flight from working in San Diego, I had one of the most pleasant, inspiring and insightful conversations I’ve ever had on a plane. I had the pleasure of sitting beside Louise G., an employee of Virgin Atlantic Airways in London and learning about Virgin...Read More
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