Delta Airlines 767

Passionate Employee

A couple of weeks ago I received a short email from a Delta employee that is representative, on so many levels, of the commitment their employees have toward their company and its customers.  Delta is a great example of how a strong culture fueled by great people creates a workforce of highly engaged employees who are on a mission and serving a purpose.  It’s would be one thing for me to just tell you why I think so highly of Delta, it’s another to show you an example that gives meaning to my statement.  In an attempt to provide some context, a few months ago I was on an almost empty late-night flight and first class was only half full.  Heather was our flight attendant.  Simply stated, she was one of the most positive and unpretentious individuals I’ve met in a long time.  She was so good at her job and so pleasant. The chatter of the people sitting around me was how awesome she was.  Her actions and superior service compelled me to write a letter to Delta recognizing her excellence.  One thing is for sure, she loves people and she loves Delta! As I deplaned that evening I gave Heather my business card and asked if she would send me her contact information to ensure she would be recognized for superior customer experience.  She gave me her info and within a couple of days, I emailed my letter to Delta’s corporate office. A couple of weeks later Heather sent me a quick note thanking me for recognizing her with her company.  Just as she was on the flight, her quick note was upbeat and gracious. At the beginning of the COVID19 crisis, I sent her an email trying to offer a little hope while reminding her to stay positive.  Her reply was so good, I asked her permission to reprint part of it in order to share with you.  

Nuggets of Gold

Hi there Mr. Gunter, It is definitely a roller coaster ride but I don’t plan on ever getting off. Delta is so amazing and taking the absolute best care of us. They have set up temperature screenings, provided masks, sanitizers, gloves. You name it and they are doing it. We have amazing leaders and I pray for them daily.  I had the pleasure of having Mr. Bastain (The CEO of Delta) on my flight the other day and he gave me an elbow bump, smiled, and said, “We’re going to get through this! Hang in there.” He sat in the very back of the plane and talked to all of us about anything. He was so kind and patient. I am so thankful to work for a company that has a CEO you can approach and talk to so easily.  It is a trying time. Everyone’s health is important and I will keep you and your sweet family in my prayers and hope I see you in the skies soon!    Heather’s short note tells a lot about Delta’s leadership, culture, and the quality of its employees.  This is not an isolated experience.  It’s a formula that translates into an exceptional company delivering a great product and customer experience! Simply put, it’s a great example of reinvention.

Pursuit of Excellence

Thumbs Up to Excellence

Delta has been around in some form or another for almost a hundred years.  It wasn’t that long ago that their reputation fell far short of where it is today; at least that was my perception.  Ten to fifteen years ago, whether justified or not, it would have taken extenuating circumstances for me to book a flight on Delta.  Whereas today, it is my dominant first choice. In fact, I will travel a little longer and pay a little more just to ensure I fly Delta because I love the experience they provide. It’s kind of like Chick-fil-A, where you know you will be in a line of ten or more cars, but that’s okay. My initial awareness that something was different with Delta took place in the spring of 2013.  I was in Las Vegas attending the Stevie Awards as a finalist for my category.  Even though there were many categories (which made the event long), the event was fun and interesting.  Seeing winners from other categories revealed clues about these companies.  All throughout the night I heard one name consistently repeated,  that was Delta. Delta dominated the airline category.  In fact, I’m not sure they lost any award for which they were nominated.  In one category they won all three slots; Gold, Silver, and Bronze.  You couldn’t sit for more than fifteen to twenty minutes without hearing Delta had won another award. And, you could really sense the pride of the employees representing the company as they walked to the award podium.  They had swagger like a great sports team. You knew they were the exception, not the rule.  In fact, since 2012, Delta has won more awards than any airline company in the world. A strong culture and great people, they have it in spades! Even though I had just witnessed Delta dominating the awards ceremony, my old habit and flying status took over when I booked my next flight. Then two years later (five years ago) I had my first reencounter with Delta.  I was attending a meeting and I was unable to book a flight on my normal carrier (who will remain nameless).  I had to book Delta and I was not enthusiastic having to do so.   

Getting Reacquainted With Delta

Fortunately for me, Delta didn’t meet my low expectations for the flight – instead they BLEW THEM AWAY!  I couldn’t believe the contrast in experience and hospitality compared to the carrier I normally flew.  When I returned from my trip I asked my assistant to book my next flight on Delta, because I had to see if this was an aberration.  This had to be nothing more than good luck. Well, the next flight was better than the first one.  It was obvious Delta was doing things so differently from its competitors. I was hooked! This is the way I wanted to travel when I had to take to the air.  So, following that second flight, I made the decision to start flying Delta.  I gave up my top-tier status and started earning Skymiles (I only wish I had known about their status matching program). My flights became more than just enjoyable transportation, they became a classroom.  I started paying attention to every contact point I had with the company and many times a new clue would appear explaining their excellence. Each time I learned more about their strong culture and great people. For example, a call to customer service exposed me to the Net Promoter Score.  I won’t go into detail with what it is; however, I will tell you the result.  Dealing with customer service was a pleasure, never a dreaded conversation.  You are always treated well by people who really care about your time and your concerns.  Additionally, Delta constantly seeks feedback from its customers, looking for ways to better serve their customers.  They leave no stone unturned. Their mobile app for flying is second to none.  Items in the pipeline will create an even more superior experience!  Think about how rare it is for an airline company to be featured at CES for its technology. 

Commitment & Impact

Delta has a true commitment to the total experience ingrained into their culture.  Their culture is not a “feel good” phrase or talking point that gets attention once a year.  It’s a purpose and a way of life for everyone!   When looking forward, the Delta experience of the future is not what truly excites me.  I know and trust they will be two steps ahead, delivering excellence for everyone in their ecosystem.  What excites me is they will continue forcing the bar of excellence higher, resulting in the necessity of others having to raise their standards to effectively compete.  Competitors have to figure out how to better compete with Delta, which in turn,  should positively impact the employees of their companies and the consumers using their product.  It  is a win for everybody when you have a strong culture fueled by great people!

Butch‘s Take

  • The CEO’s front-line leadership is so instructive, his simple words and small gestures stabilize in a time of crisis.

  • Don’t just enjoy the experience, understand why you enjoyed it, and learn from the experience.

  • Heather believes in and trusts her company completely which positively impacts Delta customers.